Friday 7 March 2014

Sacred sites

Today's walk hasn't taken me as far as I had wanted. I've been fighting a chesty cough for the last few weeks and it seems to have come back with a vengeance today. Nonetheless, since I was out on Wednesday and I didn’t get out yesterday, I decided to go out today. The weather is a little rougher than we have had the last few days – the wind is up and it is cold. I love how Goddess likes to remind us that spring hasn't quite arrived yet, no matter what we like to think when we have some sunshine!

Clouds, waves and a little bit of sun!

Since Tuesday I have been deliberating some things about my work life. It has been difficult for me to get motivated but I am finally getting there! The big realisation I have made is that there are two sides to my work life – The Rainbow Attic is my making job and therefore what I do. On the other hand, priestess work and sharing Goddess, is who I am and I need to keep that in mind. A job is a job but who you are never changes at its core. Its perfectly ok to create things or do things I don’t like or enjoy in my job, because that's kind of what jobs are.

On the other hand, facilitating Goddess events, making Goddess items and priestess-ing are a part of who I am. This is where I get to express myself in ways that I want to and that I enjoy. It is where I get to be a bit more choosy about things. This might all be quite uninteresting to most of you, but for me this was a profound moment!!!

Today's reflection has been a bit less me orientated. I am keenly interested in reclaiming and awakening ancient sites in our landscape. They need to be used and cared for and the energy and history they hold is important and amazing. However as we are all aware, they are also fragile and old. If we are not responsible and reverent in our use of them, then they will deteriorate and we might be placed in a position where we actually lose them entirely. This means not leaving litter, tea lights, candle wax, non biodegradable offerings or anything like that on or near them. It means not lighting fires wherever we choose or carving into ancient stones. When we use ancient sites, we should feel the energy, leave only biodegradable offerings on the ground near them (not on the stones themselves) and respecting the boundaries which may have been put in place. If we are sensible and respectful, then these sites will be available to our descendants, long after we are dust.

The sun came out for this one!
These thoughts lead me onto my actual reflection. On the beach here at Folkestone, we have a stone circle. It is thoroughly modern, placed here by the water company and it is utterly non religious in any way. However, if you actually come down to it and touch the stones and sit in the centre. If you stop and feel the energy for a moment, it is wonderful. I've seen the site used by Pagans, Christians and others. I have used the site myself. There is a sacred and pure energy to the place which can speak to us all. Our ancient sites where built by someone and at some point they would have been new and 'modern'. In order for there to be more ancient and sacred sites in the future, we need to make our own. I say to you all, use the local parks and stone circles made as art. Walk the labyrinth installations in parks, church yards and towns. Go to visit Northumberlandia- walk her curves, enjoy her art. Create ceremony and say prayers in these places. Call to your goddesses and gods. The energy is already there, build on it, use it, share it with all. Yes we will be judged and called names. Yes we will be mocked even by those in our own Pagan communities, but we are working with a higher purpose – we are creating sacred sites for the future. We are using the tools of our time to commune with our deities, spirits and ancestors. I don't know about you all, but I would rather have their opinion than that of my fellow humans, on the topic of my spiritual practises...

Go on, give it is a try – you might be surprised!

Love and blessings



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